chap 9 : “what makes God smile?”
The purpose of our life is to make God smile, is to please our lord God almighty. Follow the example of Noah, the man who completely obeys God without any hint of hesitation or procrastination. When he was asked to build a boat to save his family from the flood, he obeyed the lord immediately and took 120 years to build the ship. He did not care the ridicule and the criticize he would receive when he was building a ship that big enough to carry his whole family and other land animals, he just did what the lord wanted and believed that there’s a reason as to what the lord has told him.
God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly:
Whenever the lord entrusted you with something, do it completely, don’t CHOOSE to obey a few instructions and ignore the rest. Understand that the lord has a reason to accomplish that certain task and wishes you to trust him to fulfill his promises and purposes. Obeying God wholeheartedly means to obey the lord without any reservations and hesitation. There’s no procrastination in it, whereby we tell God we want to think and consider about it. Instant obedience is always appreciated. Delayed obedience is often considered disobedience, God has set up different specific time frames for each task, and thus we are supposed to follow that time frame to finish the task. Thus, any hesitation will spoil the results that God wants to achieve.
Obedience unlocks understanding, only when we obey the lord, then we begin to open our spiritual eyes to know and understand what is going on around us. We begin to understand God’s heartbeat and understand what he really wants for US.
There’s no alternative such as partial obedience, YOU can’t say you love God, when you don’t LOVE your neighbours. You can’t say you go to church and don’t’ give tithes, you can’t say you’re a real Christian unless you have developed an intimate and serious relationship with the lord.
God smiles when we praise and thank him continually:
we learn to live a life of thanksgiving and praise. No matter what happens, thank the LORD>thank the lord for the nice sunny weather, and the delicious mouth-watering food during dinner and the wonderful friends who stayed by my side through the difficult times. Thank God for everything, sometimes when you’re feeling down, and that there’s seriously NTHING about what you can thank God, and then think about the cross. You can still thank God for sending his only begotten son to die for us on the cross to pay for our sins.