Isaiah 46 : Gods of Babylon
YES.. ..God has declared victory over the Gods Babylon, ‘these idols are borne by beasts of burden.’ They increase the number of burdens and worries in your life, making your life more difficult. ‘the images that are carried about are burdensome, a burden for the weary.’ Gods of Babylon are not doing to lessen the pain and suffering of the people, in fact, it’s creating more destruction and damage to their lives, making them living in a world of misery and trouble. I’ve just watched this interesting news on Tv just now, that Taiwan actually has a 土地公bank..where they actually loan people a sum of money. These people could actually lend at most 600 bucks(most probably 台币).. ..and it was really so amusing.. and I find it really ridiculous, that they portray 土地公 as some charitable rich businessmen who is willing to donate money for a good cause. Their mentality of a God is one who can save them from all their problems, be it financial, emotional..or even spiritual loss. And most of these people don’t even bother to return their sum of money, and thus there is a this long list of people who have owed 土地公 money. . .. and I found it extremely funny. . .cuz it’s like you owe your GOD money. . .that kinda thing.. .is really so amusing. . .and the 土地公bank actually gained a profit.. .cuz there were a couple of people who actually wanted to thank 土地公for helping them to tide over their problems and difficulties, so that they actually returned more than what they had borrowed.
I find it really sad that these people did not chance to really know and understand this great God I have, for this lord does not actually borrow you money, he gives. His blessings is free, his love is free, his grace is free, his mercy is free, most imptly, this relationship with the almighty God is FREE. It’s totally free of charge. But, there’s only one condition!.. .and that is to make an impt decision whether or not to accept this gift of God. The gift is already there, it has been extended to you. The blood of Jesus has been shed for you to receive a new life, would you want to take that step of seedling faith to receive this wonderful and perfect gift from the lord? God’s free gift is always there, and he really wants you to take hold of this free gift, this free gift also has lots of other benefits, vouchers, discounts and special offers. It has totally no strings attached, and if you’re willing to just take God’s hand and accept this free gift, your life would be visibly and wonderfully transformed.
‘I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away; and my salvation will not be delayed.’
Yes!..salvation is here today..right here.. .will you accept the lord’s invitation today to accept this wonderful free gift?