4th june
Hebrews 11:7, 12:1 / apostle Lawrence khong / noah-winning even when you wonder if your life really counts
Most of the bible is biographic and it contains true recounts of interesting characters that are not just wax figures, but figures made of flesh and blood, and all of them are ordinary man/woman, just like you and I, and they lead extraordinary and exciting lives as they walk by faith through the lord. They have experienced the love of God and know that the lord has special purpose and dream for each of them, they put their trust in him, knowing that they will be led to victory. Running the human race is a tough and difficult thing, as it is a long-distance run in which its finishing line is unknown by its runner. We often run along the race with fear and discouragement, for we do not know how our race lies in front of us, and how unpredictable it can be. There are obstacles and barriers in the midst of our race, and we need to learn to overcome them, and to put our trust in the lord, knowing that our God is bigger than all problems and can lead us to victory. Let us run with perseverance for the race that God has marked for us.!~..we need encouragement from the ordinary characters in the bible, and to learn how they have managed to lean on God for strength and perseverance to run the race that the lord has called them to run. They are witnesses for us, of how God can use ordinary people to mighty and awesome things for him.
Run with the winners~ complete the race and be winners in God’s sight
Today, we had an opportunity to talk to NOAH, a great man of God in his times, who obeyed God and managed to save the whole of mankind and animals.
He taught us that the power of one person is so strong, and that one person can indeed make a difference. YOU can MAKE a difference@! God regretted making mankind because all their thoughts were filled with evil, and his heart was field with pain seeing man coming to such a state. He saw how great man’s wickedness had become and he was very grieved that he had made man on this earth, and he wanted to wipe up the whole of mankind every creature that he had created.
However, ONE man found favor in the eyes of God. noah
He was a righteous and blameless man who walked right with the lord, whereas the whole of earth was corrupted and filled with violence.
You can make a difference:
• For your family
A salvation in the family means that more doors are opened to your family, so that one day they can come to know God. God has a special favor for your family, he wants to bless you and your family. Believe in the lord and you and your household will be saved…so for those Christians out there who are facing persecution from famiy, don’t give up and continue to pray and trust that the lord will bring salvation to your family.
“For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.” 1 corinthians 7:14
A saved soul in the family opens a wider door for God to enter the family, and also to spread the blessings and love of God to the family.
• For your future generations
By one person through you, a thousand generations fown your famioyl line can be blessed. However, the sins of one man can also be passed on to several generations, this curse can only be broken if generations along the family line decides to receive a new life and to accept Jesus as his/her lord and saviour. Sins have corporate effect, they not just affect your own life, they do have a serious impact on the lives of future generations as the curse is passed on.
“..punishing the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments..” exodus 20:5-6
God is a gracious and loving God and shows love and kindness generously of those who have served him and obeyed his commandments, and for a thousand generations, but for those who have defied his commands and strayed away from the lord, the few generations down his family line will suffer because of his sins and ungodly life.
• God’s kingdom
Along the way, you may not be appreciated by people whom you have helped. But you still persevere and never give up despite how hard, how tough it is. You continue to run the race and to reach for the prize at the destination/the finishing line.
dare to stand out in a crowd
people who make a difference are people who are different. DARE to stand out, don’t be afraid to be different, and don’t just flow with the human flow. Don’t be a crowd-pleaser and a trend-follower. Be someone special and unique, who stands out distinctively among the rest because you are different from others, specially chosen by the lord to fulfill tasks that he has called you to. Don’t try to walk the path the world walks, thinking that it is way more fun. HAVE FUN with the lord, doing things far more meaningful and interesting.
Dare to do something for the first tym
Do something different for the lord, and to challenge yourself to do greater and more impossible things for the lord.
Determine to look at the rainbw
Remember GOD’s promises, just as he has promised NOAH. Therefore, be focused and keep your eyes on the lord.
Hebrews 12 :1 “therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw everything off that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
LET us run towards the goals that God has given us and to rid ourselves off any barriers and obstacles that prevent us from moving ahead. We can do it not by might, not by power but by the spirit of the lord. For he’s the author and finisher of everything, so let’s put our trust in everything and know that he’s in charge. We need not fear for he’s with us!~
Esther—winning even when you are uncertain about your purpose / esther 4: 13-16 /pastor Nina khong
What’s my purpose and plan in life?
I’m charis yang, FEMALE, HUMAN with 2 eyes, a mouth, a nose, and a perfectly dysfunctional brain, and enjoying my sweet 16 TODAY. And after 16 years of LIVING my life, I have learnt that God has given each and everyone of us a special plan and purpose. That GOD has a purpose and plan for everywhere place that I’m in, in school, my class, the clique that I hang up with, the family I grow up in, the church that God has put me into, the community and neighborhood I live in, the nationality that I possess, the era that I live through, the schools that I’ve attended.
I believe that God has a special purpose for me, that for the families God has placed me in, he has a plan and purpose for it, knowing that I can be of great service and contribution to the family. sometimes, I question the lord why did he put me in this particular family, and God has told me that I can be of great motivation and encouragement to my family members in their various journeys in life, and that even after my mom has left, I have tried to be a source of comfort and shelter for my family members, and to overcome all trial and difficulties with them during this period of time, to act as their mother and sister at the same time, to have fun with them and discipline them at the same time. To always have a solution for them in every problem they face, and to always never fail to cheer them up when times are bad, and to always find time for them when they need me. I would always ensure that I have ample time to tuition my brother when he needs help with schoolwork.
Also, I have an important role to play in school, in my class. I represent the Christians in my class, and the mission that God has set me to is to interact with my schoolmates and to be the light that shines, to serve them and be a blessing in my school. Be a helping, loving kind soul and to do my best in bringing them to know Christ. to get them to be saved, so that my whole class, my school will be saved.
I also find my purpose in church, in the cell group. sometimes, I feel that I mysef is different from others and are unable to mix around with the people in cell group, I am reminded by Esther who was the only Jewish in the Persian palace, and she became the Persian queen, because God wanted her to save the Israelites. God allowed her to be different from the others in the palace so she could be the best person to persuade the king to save her people.
She paid a huge price, and she was not afraid of the things that lie in front of her, she was willing to sacrifice all she had to save her people. she even said, “and if I perish, I perish.: for she knows that God has a plan and purpose for her to save her people, therefore she need not fear for the lord is with her. And she knows that whatever the outcome was, she would accept it, the main important thing was that she tried, and that she had fulfilled the purpose the lord has for her.
Hebrews 11:7, 12:1 / apostle Lawrence khong / noah-winning even when you wonder if your life really counts
Most of the bible is biographic and it contains true recounts of interesting characters that are not just wax figures, but figures made of flesh and blood, and all of them are ordinary man/woman, just like you and I, and they lead extraordinary and exciting lives as they walk by faith through the lord. They have experienced the love of God and know that the lord has special purpose and dream for each of them, they put their trust in him, knowing that they will be led to victory. Running the human race is a tough and difficult thing, as it is a long-distance run in which its finishing line is unknown by its runner. We often run along the race with fear and discouragement, for we do not know how our race lies in front of us, and how unpredictable it can be. There are obstacles and barriers in the midst of our race, and we need to learn to overcome them, and to put our trust in the lord, knowing that our God is bigger than all problems and can lead us to victory. Let us run with perseverance for the race that God has marked for us.!~..we need encouragement from the ordinary characters in the bible, and to learn how they have managed to lean on God for strength and perseverance to run the race that the lord has called them to run. They are witnesses for us, of how God can use ordinary people to mighty and awesome things for him.
Run with the winners~ complete the race and be winners in God’s sight
Today, we had an opportunity to talk to NOAH, a great man of God in his times, who obeyed God and managed to save the whole of mankind and animals.
He taught us that the power of one person is so strong, and that one person can indeed make a difference. YOU can MAKE a difference@! God regretted making mankind because all their thoughts were filled with evil, and his heart was field with pain seeing man coming to such a state. He saw how great man’s wickedness had become and he was very grieved that he had made man on this earth, and he wanted to wipe up the whole of mankind every creature that he had created.
However, ONE man found favor in the eyes of God. noah
He was a righteous and blameless man who walked right with the lord, whereas the whole of earth was corrupted and filled with violence.
You can make a difference:
• For your family
A salvation in the family means that more doors are opened to your family, so that one day they can come to know God. God has a special favor for your family, he wants to bless you and your family. Believe in the lord and you and your household will be saved…so for those Christians out there who are facing persecution from famiy, don’t give up and continue to pray and trust that the lord will bring salvation to your family.
“For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.” 1 corinthians 7:14
A saved soul in the family opens a wider door for God to enter the family, and also to spread the blessings and love of God to the family.
• For your future generations
By one person through you, a thousand generations fown your famioyl line can be blessed. However, the sins of one man can also be passed on to several generations, this curse can only be broken if generations along the family line decides to receive a new life and to accept Jesus as his/her lord and saviour. Sins have corporate effect, they not just affect your own life, they do have a serious impact on the lives of future generations as the curse is passed on.
“..punishing the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments..” exodus 20:5-6
God is a gracious and loving God and shows love and kindness generously of those who have served him and obeyed his commandments, and for a thousand generations, but for those who have defied his commands and strayed away from the lord, the few generations down his family line will suffer because of his sins and ungodly life.
• God’s kingdom
Along the way, you may not be appreciated by people whom you have helped. But you still persevere and never give up despite how hard, how tough it is. You continue to run the race and to reach for the prize at the destination/the finishing line.
dare to stand out in a crowd
people who make a difference are people who are different. DARE to stand out, don’t be afraid to be different, and don’t just flow with the human flow. Don’t be a crowd-pleaser and a trend-follower. Be someone special and unique, who stands out distinctively among the rest because you are different from others, specially chosen by the lord to fulfill tasks that he has called you to. Don’t try to walk the path the world walks, thinking that it is way more fun. HAVE FUN with the lord, doing things far more meaningful and interesting.
Dare to do something for the first tym
Do something different for the lord, and to challenge yourself to do greater and more impossible things for the lord.
Determine to look at the rainbw
Remember GOD’s promises, just as he has promised NOAH. Therefore, be focused and keep your eyes on the lord.
Hebrews 12 :1 “therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw everything off that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
LET us run towards the goals that God has given us and to rid ourselves off any barriers and obstacles that prevent us from moving ahead. We can do it not by might, not by power but by the spirit of the lord. For he’s the author and finisher of everything, so let’s put our trust in everything and know that he’s in charge. We need not fear for he’s with us!~
Esther—winning even when you are uncertain about your purpose / esther 4: 13-16 /pastor Nina khong
What’s my purpose and plan in life?
I’m charis yang, FEMALE, HUMAN with 2 eyes, a mouth, a nose, and a perfectly dysfunctional brain, and enjoying my sweet 16 TODAY. And after 16 years of LIVING my life, I have learnt that God has given each and everyone of us a special plan and purpose. That GOD has a purpose and plan for everywhere place that I’m in, in school, my class, the clique that I hang up with, the family I grow up in, the church that God has put me into, the community and neighborhood I live in, the nationality that I possess, the era that I live through, the schools that I’ve attended.
I believe that God has a special purpose for me, that for the families God has placed me in, he has a plan and purpose for it, knowing that I can be of great service and contribution to the family. sometimes, I question the lord why did he put me in this particular family, and God has told me that I can be of great motivation and encouragement to my family members in their various journeys in life, and that even after my mom has left, I have tried to be a source of comfort and shelter for my family members, and to overcome all trial and difficulties with them during this period of time, to act as their mother and sister at the same time, to have fun with them and discipline them at the same time. To always have a solution for them in every problem they face, and to always never fail to cheer them up when times are bad, and to always find time for them when they need me. I would always ensure that I have ample time to tuition my brother when he needs help with schoolwork.
Also, I have an important role to play in school, in my class. I represent the Christians in my class, and the mission that God has set me to is to interact with my schoolmates and to be the light that shines, to serve them and be a blessing in my school. Be a helping, loving kind soul and to do my best in bringing them to know Christ. to get them to be saved, so that my whole class, my school will be saved.
I also find my purpose in church, in the cell group. sometimes, I feel that I mysef is different from others and are unable to mix around with the people in cell group, I am reminded by Esther who was the only Jewish in the Persian palace, and she became the Persian queen, because God wanted her to save the Israelites. God allowed her to be different from the others in the palace so she could be the best person to persuade the king to save her people.
She paid a huge price, and she was not afraid of the things that lie in front of her, she was willing to sacrifice all she had to save her people. she even said, “and if I perish, I perish.: for she knows that God has a plan and purpose for her to save her people, therefore she need not fear for the lord is with her. And she knows that whatever the outcome was, she would accept it, the main important thing was that she tried, and that she had fulfilled the purpose the lord has for her.