Monday, December 04, 2006

Sermon devotion / ps. Khong / when the spirit comes into power—the God who heals part2 / luke 16: 15-20

Biblical misconceptions of healing:

~~the value of suffering
Many people think that we learn obedience through suffering, that God purposely plants a sickness or illness in our lives so that we can learn to overcome it and to obey the lord. This is true to a certain extent, whereby we do indeed learn to obey God once we face an almost impossible situation in our lives. BUT, God do not purposely nor DELIBERATELY plants a sickness in our lives, he only allows the devil to let sickness enter into our lives. For every suffering, if our attitude is right, God will let us form our character with it. Our character will be moulded and shaped as we continue to trust the lord in times of darkness and difficulty. We also are able to develop perseverance and determination during this period of times.
BUT we know that the lord do not want us to suffer in pain for so long, he wants to heal us. Therefore we know that the lord will definitely deliver us for the glory of God. Let’s believe God for the victory!! God can use what is evil and turn it to something GOOD!

~~paul’s thorn in flesh
In 2 Corinthians 12 :7-9, Paul mentioned that the weakness that God has given him, he is able to boast about them because when he is weak, then God’s power will rest on him. the weakness is often misinterpreted as sickness, however it ACTUALLY refers to PEOPLE, specifically messenger of Satan. Evidence can be found in numbers 33:55 whereby hated people are called barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. THUS, the weakness mentioned in 2 cor is referred to messengers of Satan who will obstruct and block the will of God.

ONLY 50% of people can be healed in the bible, which shows that healing is actually not that easy. In fact, Jesus, the son of God also said that healing requires a lot of qualifications, and that only in certain circumstances can healing take place. And healing is normally a long process; it doesn’t always take place instantaneously.

Why are some people not healed?

1) we live in an imperfect world whereby death is compulsory for everyone to go through. And ageing is a MUST-process for each person to go pass.

2) we lack faith to believe God for healing.
We’ll only be blessed/healed to the extent of faith we have.

3) we have sin in our lives that prevent us from receiving healing from the LORD!..therefore sickness comes into our lives because the devil has the chance to use sin to enter into our lives.


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