Saturday, October 21, 2006

21st Oct
Isaiah 53 : “the suffering and glory of the servant”

This passage talks about the coming of the messiah—Jesus Christ. The lord says that he has “no beauty and majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” “he has despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering.” When jesus lived on earth as man, he was just an ordinary MAN that was always despised and rejected by all men because he claims to be the messiah- the son of God to save all people. “but he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” The son of man had to suffer a long torturous death by lying on the cross, so that he can save us from all our sins and past hurts. BY his wounds on his hands and feet, we are set free and healed from all SINS and barriers that stop us from coming to the lord.

“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the lord has laid iniquity of us all.” Every time we turn away from the lord, the lord tries very hard to grab your attention and to pull you to his side again. That is why when some people backslide away from the lord, there was always friends and family around that person to pray for that person and encourage that person to draw near back to the lord again. God desperately wants us to build an intimate and strong relationship with him so that we realign our hearts to his will and do things according to his plan great commission. However, when we are lost and distant away from the lord, we are like a group of blur sheep who have lost their way from the shepherd, we are lost in the mountains, and we desperately need the shepherd to guide us back to the FOLD. We once again come in front of the altar to cleanse our sins, so that we can come back to the lord again.

When I heard that Aunna’a dad had just passed away, I was very upset and rather shocked. It came too sudden—just like my mom’s death, except that was worse cuz I witness the death altogether. It was very saddening. I heard my heart break and kept asking the lord. . why..why. . why do there seem too be so many deaths. . from Kirsten’s dad. . .x-lyn’s cousin. .my mom..aunna’s dad. . it seems that the DEATH NOTE(haha..who watched deathnote.??) aimed at the Christians. I feel that the devil is trying to work in our lives. To pull us strongly away from the lord. I DON’T WANT TO BE PULLED AWAY. I WILL BE STRONG AND STAY CLOSE TO THE LORD. THE DEVIL CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANNS.. .BUT WE THE CHRISTIANS ARE GONNA STAY STRONG. . AND CONTINUE TO REMAIN STRONG IN OUR FAITH AND SPIRIT. J


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